
Why is sore spot not necessarily the problem?

massage pointWhen it comes to muscles, there are two main reasons that pain or tension is caused by another area of the body; feedback issues from nerve compression or satellite referral via active trigger points.


If you have tension within your joints (hips, shoulders ect..) or areas with complex small muscle mass (neck), it is likely that you have some form of feedback issue in your extremities. Feedback refers to the nerve signal returning from your extremities to your brain, not the signal from your brain to your extremities. If nerves are compressed along the pathway back to the brain, … Read more ...

Naturopathy and Fertility

Naturopathic FertilityUnfortunately, couples are having more and more trouble conceiving in this modern age.  Once upon a time most of the blame lay with the woman, however it is currently believed that 40% rest with the male, 40% rests with the female, 10% is with both and 10% is unknown.

Common causes for infertility;

  • Medication
  • Subnormal semen analysis results
  • Infection
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Stress
  • Cigarettes, alcohol and recreational drugs
  • Toxicity
  • Aging
  • Thyroid abnormalities
  • PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids
  • Obesity and low BMI


How can Naturopathy help with fertility?

Your naturopath will take a very thorough case history as well as review any medical … Read more ...

Benefits of Trigger Point Therapy

trigger-point-therapyTrigger Point Therapy focuses on relieving referred pain or sensation (pain, tenderness, pins and needles, numbness and burning). A trigger point is a point of bound / taught fibres in a muscle, often referred to as muscle knots, a point of heightened tenderness or sensitivity, which prevents full usage of a particular muscle. Active trigger points have predictable referral patterns, some causing pain locally to the effected trigger point, others referring to other regions of the body. Due to this referral, a domino effect in terms of pain or injury can occur if trigger points are left untreated; this meaning … Read more ...

Chiropractic: Myths and misconceptions.

Chiro-Myths-RealityLike all modern healthcare, Chiropractic techniques are constantly changing with the times. Just as your GP no longer applies leeches to you, Chiropractors have updates their techniques for improved results and experiences. Here are some common myths debunked…


Once I see a Chiropractor I will have to keep going back.

Our aim is to help you get rid of your symptoms and also keep them away. We give recommendations as to what would be the best course of treatments to achieve both goals.

It may occur that after a few visits you feel improved but are asked to come … Read more ...